Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 2

I had no internet access yesterday, so this is a little late. In general, I plan to post a daily update at the end of each day. It makes me feel accountable for my actions, and also makes the process more enjoyable for me.

So. Day two (yesterday) was my third day of not binging and purging, and my second day following the raw foods detox 4 women diet.

I didn't feel hungry at all yesterday. In fact, by dinnertime, I was so full that I couldn't force down a whole big greens-filled salad. I opted for a bowl of veggies and some guacamole, but even that was just because I felt fearful of not getting in enough calories/nutrients.

Physical negatives: I felt gassy and bloated and uncomfortable for most of the day. Extremely fatigued.

Physical Positives: My eyes seem brighter, and my eyesight seems a little better. I wear glasses, but the last few weeks I've been feeling like I need a stronger prescription. I *just* got glasses in July, so that would have been weird. I think it was just all the purging - one of the lesser-talked-about symptoms of bulimia is its effects on your eyes. There are plenty of days when they just tear up, and the tears feel like fire because my body is overly acidic.

Emotional Positives: Survived a freak out late last night. Just wanted to eat and numb this mysterious sudden anxiety. Ate some raw veggies instead of something sugary and carb-filled. (Which would have tailspinned me into bulimia.) Watched TV, drank some coffee, worked on some character designs for a piece I'm drawing. The feeling subsided, and after two episodes of Mad Men, I went to sleep.

Emotional Negatives: Mood swings, lack of ambition. Bit off a family member's head when she asked me for a favor.

Random Thoughts: If I continue this Natalia Rose journey beyond the 4 planned weeks, I will definitely invest in a greens/wheatgrass juicer. It didn't occur to me somehow that the reason for juicing instead of blending is to eliminate all the fiber and bulk in greens while keeping the nutrients, allowing the nutrients to aborb into the bloodstream unimpeded. Since Rose's smoothies revolve around greens, my Jack LaLaine is not getting the job done. Feeling a little lighter and less bulked up/sluggish would go a long way towards continuing this diet.

Something that bummed me out last night: I gave my teeth a good cleaning and realized that the enamel is so worn away in places, my teeth look translucent. It doesn't make for a pretty smile. I used to really like my smile.

I hear wonderful things about raw foods restoring teeth, but if it doesn't improve in the next year or so, I might have to save up for a bonding or something.

Breakfast: modified green smoothie with 1 head romaine, 2 teaspoons mixed greens powder, 1 banana, some raw cacao, maca, stevia, squeeze of lemon. About 16 ounces smoothie total.

Lunch: big salad with avocado, sweet potato

Snack/Dessert: 1.75 ounces 85% dark chocolate

Dinner: bowl of raw veggies (about 1/2 cucumber, 1 carrot, 5-10 cherry tomatoes, half yellow bell pepper with guac (1 avo with fresh basil and fresh cilantro, lemon)

20 minutes yoga.
30 minutes cardio outside
20 crunches
5 minutes hula hoop
5 minutes dancing

This post is long.

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